“When we centre the well-being of the Mothers-we are also centering the well-being of the children; our future generations.”
Supporting my sister in labour at her birth.
Clara has always had a fascination with all things surrounding women’s health. With her training with Innate Traditions (Rachelle Garcia Seliga) in postpartum care, Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy and studies in Yoni Steaming, she has responded to an inner calling and created “Songwomb”. With her background in Sound Healing therapy, Clara combines sound with bodywork practices to deepen the healing experience for recovery and wellbeing for women in all stages in their journey. Being a song medicine woman Clara allows the womb and pelvic bowl to be the guiding energy for the session allowing her to feel and hear the inner healing song .Through, honouring the physiological and energetic integrity of this centre, women are able to feel supported at their very root, holding the capacity and confidence to feel strong and well in meeting the demands of all stages of their journey as women.
“Closing of the Bones ceremony” with a mother 5 weeks postpartum done in her own home.
Closing of the Bones ceremony is a traditional practice originating and used in Mexico , although birthkeepers in other parts of the world have also traditionally used this in assisting the healing and recovery journey for women after birth. After the expansion and opening of the women’s body that happens to accommodate the growing baby , this practice is used to assist the body to come back to centre . It helps with informing the Energy Field, soft tissues fascia and bones it’s time to come back to one’s centre. Traditionally body work was given everyday to the new mother’s body , so she would recover and emerge from her postpartum resting strong and vibrant.
“I had been battling for 5 weeks, it took only 2 hours for life to feel happy & joyous & loving again.After Clara’s healing, my real healing had begun and I could finally feel real love again.”